Macross 7 Encore
Macross 7 Encore was a two part OAV put out after the series ended. Although
not a part of the official timeline, Encore is an entertaining couple of stories.
The first part finds Sally and Miho watching a special program on new
rock sensations Fire Bomber! The television special's version of events is
as accurrate as Do You Remember Love? but the truth is revealed as well. The
second part focuses on Millia's illness; convinced she has very little time to live,
Millia determines to marry off Mylene so she doesn't have to worry. The results are, of
course, a mess - but Millia tops herself by stealing a sound booster and flying into
space to sing her goodbye to the city and people she loves. Of course, Millia is not
going to die anytime soon, but her farewell is hilarious, and surprisingly poignant.
Nekki Basara
Basara is the only one more amused than disturbed by Millia's machinations. He has
always taken her less seriously than everyone else does, but she in turn respects him
and his ways. As for young Basara, the "actor" found for the profile is quite good, but he has
nothing on the real Basara, singing at the mountains, determined to make them move.
Mylene Flare Jenius
Mylene does not take kindly to her mother's marriage plans. Offended as she
was to Millia's first plan to marry Mylene off to Gamlin, she seems even
more disturbed by the new plan to marry her off to Basara. Mylene wastes no
time in complaining to her father, asking him to help. Mylene is very wrapped up
in her own world in Encore, but she does give in and sing with Millia in the end.
Ray Lovelock
We see into some of Ray's past as a pilot turned drunk who found something
to live for in Basara. The special tries to make it more moving, but the real
story is just as special and the relationship they share is very close.
Veffidias Freaze
Perhaps most exciting about the first Encore is it's look into the past of Fire Bomber's
quiet drummer Veffidias. Although again the special gets it wrong, we get to see Veffidias
farewell to a true love and her first encounter with the tiny (to her) Basara.
Poor Max never seems to get a break. If he's not battling for the freedom of the fleet
or the safety of the galaxy, he has to deal with an estranged wife convinced she's
dying. But it is the look he gets when he finds out Millia's sick and the sound of his
voice asking if she'll be okay (not to mention when he admits "I just can't say goodbye")
that could break your heart.
Certainly the star of Encore 2, Millia is hilarious, pathetic and powerful all at once.
Her marriage arrangements are particularly ridiculous (especially when she sets up poor Gamlin
and Miho)...but under it all, they prove she cares. And her farewell broadcast would be silly
if not for it's poignance and her heartfelt belief in it. Millia shines in Encore and after it all
it's so Millia of her!
Poor Gamlin loses Millia's approval as groom for Mylene because he's "too
much like Max". He then has to suffer the blind date with Miho, thinking Mylene
must have put her up to it. But Gamlin really cares for Millia and he is the first
to join her in space, even adding his voice to her song.
Akiko Hojo
Akiko gets to be a part of the tv special because of her connection to
Fire Bomber! but she refrains from providing any useful information. Her
answers range from "I don't know" to "I don't think you've got it right" and
she doesn't add her own opinion until the very end saying "They're here and they're
Fire Bomber, that's it." It's really funny to see the news people squirm and you know,
Akiko is fully enjoying herself!
Dr. Chiba
Dr. Chiba is the one who Millia goes to with her illness. But since no zentraidi
have died of natural causes since the war, he's not particularly helpful. Thus Millia
overreacts. Chiba comes on to tell Max why Millia's being so strange, and the one who
explains her fatal illness is nothing more than the flu.
Mylene uses Michael to keep her mother away from Basara before she can tell him of
the impending marriage, but as usual Michael fails in his task. Michael is truly
sevoted to Mylene and Millia, but one wonders why they keep him on!
The twosome watch the special together, planning to find out the truth themselves when
it's's good to know they get to have some fun (but the absence of Kim proves
she never gets to leave the bridge). In the scond part, Miho is set up with Gamlin,
much to her chagrin, and Sally lets the bridge crew in on it. They can't agree on who she was
set up with however, Lt. Dokker, Lt. Gamlin ("I always had a crush on him"), Captain Max ("Now,
that would be something!"), or Advisor Exedor (dissolve into giggles).
The Flower Girl
This poor girl overhears Millia and Basara talking about his marriage to Mylene. This
upsets her. Then Basara says Mylene's just a kid and too young for such things. The girl
nearly cries, fingering her pretty dress which paints her as the picture of innocence and youth...
does this mean the end of the Flower Girl's youthful appearance?
Encore! Encore! Images!

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