Macross 7 : Fleet of the Strongest Women
"Fleet of the Strongest Women" is an unaired television episode. It features Chlore,
Millia's arch rival from long ago, before she met Max and was micronized. The two
represented the top aces in their respective fleets. Chlore has since been promoted
to commander of her fleet which attacks the Macross 7 Fleet. UNSpacey demands the
annihilation of all rogue zentraidi fleets, but Max and Millia fly over to Chlore
against orders to try the "Culture Shock" maneuver. Unable to sway Chlore and her
followers with words, Max and Millia share a passionate kiss. But it is Basara who
ultimately transforms the melantraidi; inflicting the entire fleet with Basaramania.
Nekki Basara
Basara doesn't like it when someone refuses to listen to his song. When the melantraidi
prove unresponsive by blowing up his sound boosters and avoiding his speaker pods, Basara
gets speaker pod gamma and blows into Chlore's viewscreen...all the melantraidi hear it and launch
using their missiles to create a light show for Basara's song!
Mylene Flare Jenius
Mylene somehow gets roped into playing Minmei for Chiba's insane Minmei attack...flying into
battle she sings Do You Remember Love? instead of her own songs...and it
doesn't have quite the same affect. She does get the best line, however; when Basara flys up with
speaker pod gamma, she cries "Minmei Never did THAT!"
Max is disturbed by the existence of such a large hostile meltaidi fleet so long after the end
of Space War One. He and Millia are determined to change the minds of the melantraidi and their commander.
The operation is very reminiscent of when the two infiltrated a zentraidi fleet to show off Komillia. Max
sheepishly agrees when Millia prefaces their kiss with a warning not to take it personally but as an attempt
to avert battle...but once he's got her, he moves in and that kiss is anything but perfunctory.
Seeing Chlore brings back a lot of memories for Millia...but Millia has found happiness amongst the microns
and she sounds very proud when she's trying to convince her one time rival and friend (when Chlore asserts
she's no longer the Ace Millia but just Millia Fallyna, Millia answers "No, I am Millia Fallyna Jenius").
Millia's mixed feelings for Max are very apparent in this episode; she appears to be playing at loving him,
but when her guard is down, her true feelings of love and respect are revealed; and she responds to his kiss
in such a way as to prove their passion has not been lost.
Exedor is left in charge of Battle 7 when Max and Millia fly over to Chlore's ship, so he's the one who must
deal with the simple minded earth official who demands the destruction of the melantraidi fleet. Exedor is ordered
to fire on his own kind - and two old friends who just happen to be the Commanders of Macross 7. So, he does, but in
such a way as to be sure of a miss. Exedor gets the approval of the bridge crew if not the UNSpacey representative!
Dr. Chiba
Chiba is up to his old obsessions; he devises the Minmei attack as the only logical course of action..sending Mylene
out singing Minmei's famous songs. Unfortunately, the enemy fleet responds differently to Mylene than Minmei and Chiba's
dream of a Minmei revolution falls to dust.
Sally and Miho are left to help Exedor outsmart the UNSpacey representative. Miho questions each of Exedor's orders but
follows them explicitly so Sally gets to report a miss such that not one enemy ship was damaged ("The Macross Canon missed big time").
Both are impressed with Exedor's plan and its execution - Sally even offers him a date! ("You are embarrassing this old man!")
Chlore achieves the impossible by being more flamboyant a melantraidi ace than Millia - her power armor is gold! Chlore refuses to negotiate
with a micron and takes great pleasure in Millia's micronization. She is quite disturbed by Max and Millia's kiss and relationship...but it is Basara's
heartfelt song which transforms her into a new woman. Yet another strong melantraidi woman transformed by a man's passion (though like Millia
I doubt she'll lose her edge entirely!)
Chlore's chief advisor (her Exedor as it were) is able to stop Max and Millia's "attack" by separating the two, but she cannot prevent Basara's
song from reaching Chlore's or her ears, not to mention the rest of the fleet. Tranquil is not immune to the Basaramania and she joins in the
celebration along with the rest.
Images of the Stongest Women

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