The Macross 7 Image Gallery : Personalities
"Oh where? Where was it that we all came from?
Carried into space as we fell into our endless sleep. The truth behind the
riddle has disappeared, hidden away...behind a veil of half-memories.
Hidden away, in the ocean's depths. On we went searching for the answer that
would release us from our endless sleep."
Advisor Exedor and Captain Max on the bridge of Battle 7
Lt. Gamlin of Diamond Force with Mayor Millia
Fire Bomber's Nekki Basara with Mayor Millia
Formula for a Love Triangle : Mylene and Basara and Gamlin
Fire Bomber's zentraidi drummer Veffidias Freaze
Fire Bomber's promoter Akiko Hojo
Space Biker Gang leader, Rex
Protodevilin Sybil
Bridge Officer Sally Ford
The Bridge Bunnies
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